“Fly Already”
by Etgar Keret
translated from the Hebrew by Sondar Silverson
from the May 15, 2017 issue of The New Yorker

I first encountered Etgar Keret in 2012 when The New Yorker published his story “Creative Writing” (our thoughts here). Over the years he’s published a few other stories, and I’ve generally been a fan. But then, last fall, The New Yorker published his story “To the Moon and Back (our thoughts here), and many here were very disappointed. While we were discussing some of the stories failings, I jumped in and said the story was simply a lame story, even if the problems were sorted. Thankfully there were those who disagreed!

So what do we have in store for us this time around? I’m not sure from the interview with Deborah Treisman (here). I’m excited to see!

Please feel free to share any and all thoughts below.

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