“The Wind Cave”
by Haruki Murakami
translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel
from the September 3, 2018 issue of The New Yorker

This week, for better or for worse, The New Yorker is again presenting an excerpt from a novel: Haruki Murakami’s 2017 novel Killing Commendatore, translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel. I’ve never quite been on the right wavelength to fully enjoy anything I’ve read by Murakami, but I’m glad there are so many fans out there who are looking forward to this book, which will hit shelves on October 9 (you can read M.A. Orthofer’s early review here).

Are any of you Murakami fans? If so, is it nice to get an early excerpt or do you just wait for the book? Is there anyone out there who will be picking up the book based on this excerpt? Avoiding it based on the excerpt?

And, of course, let us know how you like “The Wind Cave.”

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