Italo Calvino: Invisible Cities
Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities
Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities
Last month NYRB Classics released Natalia Ginzburg's novellas Family and Borghesia in one lovely edition. It's my year of reading Ginzburg!
Here are some of my thoughts on Alan Garner's strange 1973 novel Red Shift.
Trevor reviews Jean Améry's 1978 novel-essay, Charles Bovary, Country Doctor: Portrait of a Simple Man, translated from the German by Adrian Nathan West.
Trevor looks at Richard Stern's Other Men's Daughters, a complicated and often frustrating look at late 1960s New England from a decidedly 1970s perspective.
It's always a momentous occasion when a living author gets their work released in The Library of America. It has rarely happened, and I think the only other living author in there now is Philip Roth, but it has recently happened once again. Ursula K. Le Guin, the 86-year-old whose career started over sixty years ago, [...]
Chris reviews Michael Herr's Dispatches. Read the full post.
Trevor reviews the first book in Patrick Leigh Fermor's three-book project about his walking trip across Europe in the early 1930s, A Time of Gifts.
Trevor reviews Penelope Fitzgerald's The Golden Child. Read the full post.
Trevor reviews Tove Jansson's 1972 novel, The Summer Book. Read the full post.