by Fiona McFarlane
from the May 25, 2020 issue of The New Yorker

Fiona McFarlane is the author of The Night Guest, which came out back in 2013. However, I know her only because of the stories she has already published in The New Yorker: “Art Appreciation” (thoughts here) and “Buttony” (thoughts here). I went back to see what I thought of them, but I didn’t write anything! I’m not sure, then, if I actually read them, though I think I remember “Art Appreciation.” Regardless, those stories were well received by commenters.

Here we have “Demolition,” which, according to the interview with Deborah Treisman, is centered on the demolition of a home in which a serial killer lived, and is from the perspective of the neighbor across the street. Sounds like there might be a bit of Rear Window here since the neighbor is wheel-chair bound. I’m definitely interested!

Please feel free to leave your thoughts below. I look forward to reading and discussing this one with you!

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