MBI2015They’ve just announced the winner of this year’s Man Booker International Prize. Congratulations go to:

  • László Krasznahorkai (Hungary)

When I saw the tweet come across I just wanted to hit the favorite button over and over again. Krasznahorkai is one of my favorite authors, and I’m thrilled he’s been getting more attention in the past years. Thanks to his U.S. publisher, New Directions, for doing such a great job over here.

Here is the official press release.

And here is that tweet I really liked:

Now, go read some of his books! As he is one of my Pantheon authors, I have a nice list (not complete) for you:

László Krasznahorkai (1954- )

  • Satantango (1985)
  • The Melancholy of Resistance (1989)
  • The Prisoner of Urga (1992)
  • War and War (1999)
  • From North a Hill, from South a Lake, from East a Road, from West a River (2003)
  • Ruin and Sorrow Beneath the Heavens (2004)
  • Seiobo There Below (2008)
  • Animalinside (2010)

For film friends, Krasznahorkai is a frequent collaborator with Béla Tarr. Here are Krasznahorkai’s screenplays:

  • 1988: Damnation (Kárhozat), directed by Béla Tarr.
  • 1994: Sátántangó, directed by Béla Tarr.
  • 1997–2001: Werckmeister Harmonies (Werckmeister harmóniák), directed by Béla Tarr.
  • 2007: The Man from London (A Londoni férfi), directed by Béla Tarr.
  • 2011: The Turin Horse (A torinói ló), directed by Béla Tarr.
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