“War Dogs”
by Paul Yoon
from the October 28, 2024 issue of The New Yorker

Though Paul Yoon has been publishing since 2009, with two novels and three short story collections under his belt, I still haven’t read any of his work, including his story that appeared in The New Yorker last year, “Valley of the Moon.” I’d like to change that this week. The first paragraph of “War Dogs” doesn’t do a lot to help me know what’s coming, though that’s okay:

The facility lies two miles away from the main terminals but within the grounds of the airport, at the end of a service road that skirts a pond where geese flock during their migrations. It’s in the shape of an enormous U, and equipped with stalls, bathing areas, runs, a paddock out back, and rooms that are advertised online as suites.

Please read the story and share your thoughts below!

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