They’ve announced this year’s Independent Foreign Fiction Prize shortlist. Below are the six titles plus several reviews of each (I have more to add — I got behind).

A Man in Love (published as My Struggle: Vol. 2 in the United States), by Karl Ove Knausgaard; tr. from the Norwegian by Don Bartlett


A Meal in Winter, by Hubert Mingarelli; tr. from the French by Sam Taylor


Revenge, by Yoko Ogawa; tr. form the Japanese by Stephen Snyder


Strange Weather in Tokyo, by Hiromi Kawakami; tr. form the Japanese by Allison Markin Powell


The Iraqi Christ, by Hassan Blasim; tr. from the Arabic by Jonathan Wright


The Mussell Feast, by Birgit Vanderbeke; tr. from the German by Jamie Bulloch

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