The 2011 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is:
- A Visit from the Goon Squad, by Jennifer Egan
The two other finalists are:
- The Privileges, by Jonathan Dee
- The Surrendered, by Chang-rae Lee
If you have read my review of Egan’s A Visit from the Goon Squad (linked to above), you know that I fully endorse this year’s decision. A part of me, though, likes to rush out and buy the Pulitzer winner upon hearing it, which I don’t get to do this year.
So glad for Egan. She more than deserved this year’s prize. Also glad to see Dee and Lee highlighted. I plan on running out and getting those two right away.
Well, I preferred The Privileges to Egan, but I am going to have to admit that the evidence is mounting that that is a minority opinion. I’m not familiar with The Surrendered — will check it out.
Here’s a link to my review of The Privileges.
I’ve been scanning reviews of The Surrendered and find persuasive evidence to give it a pass, unless someone here convinces me otherwise.
Thanks for the update. I wonder if Jennifer Egan happens to be the wife of Timothy Egan, another stellar writer who wrote a classic non-fiction book about my area of interest, the Dust Bowl. His title is The Worst Hard Time.
Kevin, seeing your typo and your gracious “save” made me feel better about all the times I’ve slipped in print in similar ways!
Kevin, I never got the right vibe that convinced me to read The Surrendered. I believe it was James Wood’s review that led me away. I do think I should again look into The Privileges.
Shelly, I have never seen anything to suggest the two Egans are related, other than the fact that they now have both won a Pulitzer. If you find out differently, I’d love to hear.
I came across that Wood review yesterday — and it reminded me that that was the reason why I dismissed The Surrendered in the first place. Wood (who happened to by the guy who put me on to The Privileges) is trustworthy enough in reflecting my tastes that I will continue to give The Surrendered a miss.
I was impressed enough by The Privileges that I ordered a copy of Dee’s Palladio, which promises a take on the Madison Ave. advertising industry. Given that Mrs. KfC and I are Mad Men television fans (just watched all four years episodes again), I’ll try to get to it soon.
The Surrendered seemed unimpressive when I had a look a while ago, but nominations such as this force a double-check. The Egan, to me, is an extremely special piece of work, so I can only salute its’ garnering yet another award.