It’s time to do a Mookse and Gripes podcast, which will be dedicated to discussing NYRB Classics. I’ll be joined by my brother, Brian, an avid reader and lover of NYRB Classics, as well as by periodic special guests.

Every month or so we will select and discuss one of the many fine books published by NYRB Classics. Why NYRB Classics? Because they are, for us, the quintessential publisher as curator, bringing out a beautifully produced, diverse series of books. From their own words, the series is “designedly and determinedly exploratory and eclectic, a mix of fiction and nonfiction from different eras and times and of various sorts.” As a reader, you can’t do much better than stacking your shelves with NYRB Classics.

Of course, there are other publishers and other things we’d like to cover, so every now and then we will have “special” episodes.

The show has been submitted and approved for iTunes, but apparently it will be a few days before it becomes searchable. In the meantime, you can play it below or click here to subscribe in iTunes. You’ll notice the show has no reviews yet, so if you feel inclined you could maybe be the first.

Now, on to the show:

In 1960, John Williams published his second novel. Butcher’s Crossing, considered to be one of the first revisionist Westerns, didn’t bring Williams fame or fortune and didn’t establish for Williams a reputation as one of the great American writers, even though it is highly regarded by its readers. Still, upon publication, much like his first novel (though this time not deservedly), Butcher’s Crossing was largely ignored, and today it is overlooked, if not forgotten.

NYRB Classics published their edition of Butcher’s Crossing in January 2007, and it is the book we’ll be talking about in Episode 1 of the Mookse and Gripes Podcast.

In Episode 2, we will be discussing Patrick Leigh Fermor’s A Time of Gifts. Please join us in our preparations!

Show Notes (56:30):

  • Intro: 00:00
  • Brief John Williams Bio: 02:40
  • Spoiler-free Synopsis: 03:35
  • Spoiler-free Discussion: 05:05
  • Spoiler-rife Discussion: 19:40

Some links:

Episode Credits:

  • Co-Host: Trevor Berrett
  • Co-Host: Brian Berrett
  • Introduction Music — “Where We Fall We’ll Lie” by Jeff Zentner, from his album The Dying Days of Summer (used with permission)
  • Outro Music — “Where I’m From” by Jeff Zentner, from his album The Dying Days of Summer (used with permission)
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