Friend of My Youth
by Alice Munro (1990)
Vintage (1991)
274 pp
It’s time for Betsy and me to move on to Munro’s 1990 story collection The Friend of My Youth. This is the center of Munro’s career, the seventh of her fourteen books, coming 22 years after her 1968 debut and 22 years before her final book in 2012. The books from here on out have fewer stories, and yet they are longer. Personally, though I love much of what’s come before (she was a master from the beginning), this is the start of my favorite phase in Munro’s work. I can’t wait to keep going!
We will soon be posting our thoughts on the first story, and I wanted to get this index post up so that any of you who are interested in joining us can get the book and get started.
Friend of My Youth is a collection of 10 stories. This is the anchor post, an index with links to our posts on each story in the collection.
Friend of My Youth contains the following stories:
- Friend of My Youth
- Five Points
- Meneseteung
- Hold Me Fast, Don’t Let Me Pass
- Oranges and Apples
- Pictures of the Ice
- Goodness and Mercy
- Oh, What Avails
- Differently
- Wigtime
Hi to Trevor and Betsy, I’m enjoying following up my readings of Munro’s stories, which always linger in my mind, with a visit to your site to read your thoughts and insights. It actually helps with the lonely feeling I’m often left with when I finish one of her stories! Will you be commenting on Oh,What Avails, Differently and Wigtime?
Thanks for your work,
I found those write-ups, they just weren’t linked to this page.