Anthony Trollope: Phineas Redux
I've been working my way through Anthony Trollope's Palliser sextet, and I was delighted to revisit some of my favorite characters in book four, Phineas Redux.
I've been working my way through Anthony Trollope's Palliser sextet, and I was delighted to revisit some of my favorite characters in book four, Phineas Redux.
With The Suicides, NYRB Classics and Esther Allen have brought us Antonio Di Benedetto's complete Trilogy of Expectation.
Here's hoping that the latest in Pat Barker's series following the Trojan War, The Voyage Home, is not the last!
I finally read what many consider to be the greatest novel Charles Dickens wrote, his 1850 Bildungsroman David Copperfield.
If you're looking for a great Novembery book, I recommend Jacqueline Holland's The God of Endings.
Here are my thoughts on what I think is one of George Eliot's lesser read novels, Felix Holt.
Sergio De La Pava: Every Arc Bends Its Radian
One of my most anticipated releases of the year is Scholastique Mukasonga's Sister Deborah, translated by Mark Polizzotti.
Take a lovely Victorian cruise down the Rhine in Ann Schlee's deceptively quiet 1980 novel, Rhine Journey.
Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities